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Recruitment / selection of research participants

For clients who organize interviews by themselves, focus groups or “blind“ testing or when clients in various conditions need to recruit a number of different target groups in one place, we are qualified to perform selection and recruitment of the required profiles quickly and for favourable prices. These profiles can be actual or potential, client’s or competitive consumers or service users.

Recruitment for purchase - sales survey

Questions used for exploring an interest or readiness to buy a certain service or a product, questions that seek to determine the reasons for interest or lack of interest as well as questions used to determine the conditions under which there would be demands, can also be formulated in survey form, and in our offer, we call this type of surveys sales surveys.

The results of sale surveys can be presented on the level of general population but also on the level of specific target groups, as requested by clients based on their needs.

When it comes to already existing products or services, the advantage of sales surveys is a direct or pro active relationship with customers, which always gives results.

When it comes to testing products’ or services’ concepts or new products, it is always much cheaper to test interest of the market before launching the product or service.


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